Psychology in Photography?

Before and after.    We see them every day. Before and after morning shower, before party and morning after, before and after new haircut, before you hear “I love you” for the first time, and right after… and thousand more examples that I can but would not write because I’ll run out of space on the […]

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Celebrating WPPI awards victory with Giveaway

To celebrate recent success with WPPI Awards (check my previous blog post for details) And to thank all of my followers and supporters, since none of this would have been possible without you. Your love, your words of affirmation and constructive critique is what makes me going and getting better. Announcing a GIVEAWAY WHAT’S INCLUDED: […]

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How to retouch skin under layer of fabric, and leave the fabric untouched? Here is how: video tutorial.

Times and times again I see proof that Frequency Separation is the best tool around. (I wrote about Frequency Separation before) What is Frequency Separation? It is an editing technique that decomposes image into tone and texture, so you can work with each separately. You can also decide which information belongs to “tone” and which […]

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